Jericho Road Gardens

About Us

Jericho Road Ministries received two hydroponic Flex Farms through the Siebert Lutheran Foundation in October 2017. These machines are used to provide fresh produce for clients of the Lutheran Food Pantry. We received two additional machines in 2018 and continue to offer fresh, healthy produce for the residents of Winnebago County.

What We Do

Utilizing a room in our food pantry, lettuce is planted from seed, then transplanted to the Flex Farm where it is supplied with water and nutrients until it reaches harvestable size. It is harvested from the machines, packaged, refrigerated, and then given directly to clients. To date we have grown and donated over 5000 heads of lettuce.

Three Flex Farm Units
Hydroponics at Work

Germinating Seedlings

Beautiful, Healthy Heads of Lettuce​

Several Varieties Ready for Harvest​

Grow Room​

Staggered Plantings for Maximum Yield​

Freshly Harvested for Lutheran Food Pantry​


Fork Farms | Siebert Lutheran Foundation | Aurora Health Care | University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Get Involved

Like us on Facebook | Purchase Lettuce  |  Volunteer | Donate


714 Division Street, Oshkosh, WI  54901

Contact Us
  • Sarah Nigl, Manager
  • 920-410-2736


A Service Ministry of Zion Lutheran Church

Rev. Ritchie B. Cole

400 N. Sawyer Street

Oshkosh, WI  54902
