Zion Lutheran Church
Equipping A Young Generation

College students from His House, a campus Christian ministry, members of Zion, and other community volunteers join forces in order to make it possible for 20-40 kids to come together for food, fun, and fellowship for three to six consecutive evenings at Zion in both the Fall and Spring.
Youth Alive! at Zion is a very popular event. After a full day of school, it is not easy for kids to hear another lesson and gather for worship and follow directions. They are happy as clams to be together – they hail from at least seven different schools. Rarely if ever do they have the chance to drive each other crazy all at once.
As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Youth Leadership Retreat to Door County
The practice of community prayer and Bible reading is the fundamental rhythm that structures the time that is shared on the annual youth leadership retreat to Door County every August.
Peninsula State Park is a joy. The animals at the Farm are a delight. The water at Cave Point is fabulous.
More youth participation events below...
(Click on the descriptions for more information)
Zion Lutheran Church
400 N. Sawyer Street
Oshkosh, WI 54902