Zion Lutheran Church
Music as Worship
The desire of the worship ministry of Zion Lutheran Church is to help lead the congregation in praising and glorifying our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The Zion congregation is a wonderful mix of young and old. Therefore Jackie McGinnis, the music director, and Alyssa Knoll, the assistant director, choose a variety of music for each worship service. From beautiful well-loved hymns to delightful, contemporary artists, the music is never dull.
Here at Zion Lutheran we offer an adult choir for those who love to sing with harmonies and a children’s choir for young ones to engage in. The children’s choir is open for children 10 -14 years old. We are flexible on the age depending on maturity, musical ability, and parent or sibling involvement. Last, but not least, we also offer a bell choir. The adult and children’s choirs run from September to Christmas and the bell choir runs from January to Easter.
The worship team, is always looking for skilled musicians who have a heart for serving the Lord. If you are interested in this area of worship, please contact Pastor Jeff Knoll. He would love to get together with you and talk.
We love the Lord and we love giving Him glory through music. God has given everyone gifts and talents. We want to encourage those who have the gift of music to have the opportunity to share it, if so desired. Instrumentation is something that can add such beauty to a hymn, worship song, or just by itself, so if you play, let us know!
If you feel a desire to know more about the music ministry here at Zion, please contact Pastor Jeff Knoll at Zion Lutheran Church.

Worship Team

Adult Choir
Zion’s Adult choir enjoys singing from September thru December, welcoming all from ages 15 and up! The choir meets once a week to practice in the choir room and participates in the Sunday morning 9:30 service once a month in the autumn. We conclude our choir season at Christmas singing praises in celebration for our Saviors birth. Also, in November, a specialty ladies anthem is chosen for the special Sunday just before Thanksgiving, and all the women of the congregation are invited to join the choir. We meet 3 times and practice together in preparation to sing for the All Women’s Thank Offering Service.

Children's Choir
Zion’s Children’s choir also known as ‘The Savior’s Singers’, invites children from ages 10 -14 to sing and find joy in singing in a group. At this time the choir is composed of girls, but we look forward to the day when a few brave fellows join us! The children are dropped off at Zion Church once a week to practice. During rehearsal they are instructed on how to breathe properly, use their diaphragm, and project their voices. This is a very lively group that enjoys a short time of fellowship at the end of rehearsal before being picked up. Depending on the challenge of the music, the children will participate in the 9:30 Sunday morning service once a month or have a small repertoire they present at Christmas time. In this present day and age everyone has many commitments, so we decided to have a short choir season. We start in September and end at Christmas. This allows the children to enjoy the fun and build friendships, but also frees them up in the spring.

Bell Choir
The Zion Bell choir gathers to rehearse after Christmas. This choir starts its season in January and ends it at Easter. The choir meets once a week to practice and participates in the 9:30 worship service. The bell choir is a new group, having just started up two years ago, after the bells were refurbished in 2017. This is a fun group! If you don’t know how to sing or play an instrument, but love rhythm, this might be a group for you. At rehearsal you are taught how to hold and ring the bells, how to count, and how to follow a steady beat. The bell choir has a range of 6 -9 people depending on availability and has no age limit. The actual practice time and which day we will practice on, will be decided according to the needs of the group interested, in January. Please come if you are interested and we will try and work around schedules at that time.
Zion Lutheran Church
400 N. Sawyer Street
Oshkosh, WI 54902