Zion Lutheran Church
Bell Choir - Tuesday evenings at 5:30 PM beginning Tuesday, January 14
Wednesday Evening G.I.F.T. (January 20 - April 12)
We are inviting anyone interested to meet, January 2020 through Holy Week April 5 – 12. We will be gathering to consider, “What is Newness of Life & Practicing Hospitality,” starting with Romans 12.
- Wednesday Evening G.I.F.T. begins with a meal at 5:30PM, relax and enjoy fellowship with great conversation and usually some laughs
- Small Groups meet after the meal at 6:00 PM where we dig into God’s Word for practical living insights and applications for our lives today
"Grace for Shame: Returning to Joy"
Shame is like Gravity A psychic force that pulls us down
Grace is like Levitation A spiritual force that defies gravity – Lewis Smeeds
Wednesdays at 6:00 PM beginning after Easter.

International Thanksgiving Dinner
Poinsettia Give Away
Christmas Gift Give Away
International Thanksgiving Dinner at Zion
A people who knew the land in which they resided was not theirs and could be taken away from them on account of their own misdeeds, offer thanks for emancipation from oppression in Deuteronomy 26. Thanks is given for the gift of a land of milk and honey, and for a bountiful harvest.
For a war-torn nation struggling with wounds that are still with us today, Abraham Lincoln in 1863 established a national day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens,” to be celebrated on the last Thursday in November.
Thanksgiving is likewise offered by many who have found refuge in the United States from war, destruction, and persecution in the last few years. Many in Oshkosh have made Zion their spiritual home. One will often hear them give thanks for the land and nation which has welcomed them. Their thanks is genuine and spontaneous.
It is a joy to weave those three threads together at the International Thanksgiving Dinner on Thanksgiving Day at Zion every year.
The smiles of friendship we share are glorious. The food is amazing.
A great big thank you to the Sudanese youth and families of Zion who come out in force to share Thanksgiving with youth and families who have very recently arrived from East Africa and the Middle East. A great big thank you to families that come to the event through the International Book Clubs sponsored by Southwest Rotary of Oshkosh, the Lourdes and West High School Rotary clubs, and Cherith International based in Oshkosh. So many willing hands on Thanksgiving Day!
Poinsettia Give Away
Every Christmas season, Zion partners with Carrie’s Cause, Oshkosh Rotary Southwest, and a great number of youth groups to give out poinsettias to care facility residents and residents at Zion Senior Living Apartments. 700 poinsettias to 8 different locations!
In 2019, the youth group from the local Karen congregation along with a couple of students from Oshkosh West High School visited the nuns at Franciscan Courts, the retirement home of the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother. Everyone took a minute to tell their story, sisters and teenagers alike. The message of the angels, “Peace on earth, goodwill to all,” was alive in the friendly conversation. The local Karen congregation with whom Zion partners is made up of families of refugee background, families that fled Myanmar (Burma).
Christmas Gift Giveaway Away
Every Christmas season, Zion partners with Cherith International to give out gifts to children of refugee background who otherwise would have few or even no gifts to enjoy. Cherith International under the leadership of Harry and Jenny van Burik is blessed with a circle of donors who supply hundreds of gifts every season. The angels who deliver the gifts are members of Zion’s youth group.
Zion Lutheran Church
400 N. Sawyer Street
Oshkosh, WI 54902